

Grzegorz Gwiazda was born in 1984, he studied at the Academies of Fine Arts in Poznań and Warsaw, and as a scholar at the Accademia di Belle Arte di Brera in Milan. In 2009, he graduated summa cum laude from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. Since 2010 he has been conducting classes at the University of M. Grzegorzewska in Warsaw. In 2014, he defended his doctor’s thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, and in 2019 he earned his higher doctorate degree. Since 2015 he has been teaching at the Barcelona Academy of Art.
He was granted a scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage for 2008/9 and a scholarship funded by Inicjatywa ENTRY. In 2010 and 2015, his works were awarded in the international figurative art competition organized by Fundació de les Arts and els Artistes. In 2018, he was granted the Arteon art magazine award.
His works are in numerous collections, including the permanent collection of the Museu Europeu d’Art Modern in Barcelona.


  1. Dzień dobry. Jestem zainteresowana studiami rzeźby na ASP w Poznaniu lub w Warszawie. Czy jest jakiś konkretny powód, dla którego przeniósł się Pan z Poznania do Warszawy? Czy coś nie odpowiadało Panu w poziomie, sposobie nauczania itp.?
    Z góry dziękuję za odpowiedź i pozdrawiam

  2. Dear Grzegorz,

    I discovered your work thanks to instagram of the mapstone studio. i find it poweful and inspiring. Unfortunately there were no place for your current two weekworkshop. What are the next sessions you plan to organise in the near future? i would also be interested in the sessions outside of England as i live in Belgium and it is a long ride there.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Tatiana Potapova
